You Won’t Regret Adding These To Your Portfolio

The existing market volatility exacerbated amid sudden banking collapses and soaring odds of an economic slowdown, is not likely to ease anytime soon. Therefore, investors might check out the ETFs iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV) and Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (VIG) for 2023 to diversify their portfolio.

A fresh bout of anxieties has set in amid the recent regional banking collapses, robust job data, and still-high inflation. On the backs of revved-up worries of inflation not easing quickly and smoothly as hoped, investors’ optimism was smashed.

On the contrary, the slightly eased inflation and banking jitters gradually diminishing did revitalize the optimism to some extent. However, newly popped-up worries for Credit Suisse spooked the stock markets on Wednesday. Market volatilities, still standing high, were substantiated by the 10.2% increase CBOE Volatility Index.


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