Optex Systems (NASDAQ:OPXS) Stock Price Down 1.5%

Optex Systems Holdings, Inc (NASDAQ:OPXSGet Free Report)’s share price traded down 1.5% during mid-day trading on Wednesday . The company traded as low as $7.11 and last traded at $7.22. 32,599 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, an increase of 162% from the average session volume of 12,445 shares. The stock had previously closed at $7.33.

Optex Systems Stock Down 1.5 %

The firm has a market cap of $49.46 million, a PE ratio of 13.88 and a beta of 0.29. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.03, a quick ratio of 0.98 and a current ratio of 3.88. The company’s 50-day simple moving average is $7.65 and its two-hundred day simple moving average is $6.69.

Optex Systems (NASDAQ:OPXSGet Free Report) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, May 14th. The company reported $0.16 earnings per share for the quarter. The business had revenue of $8.52 million during the quarter. Optex Systems had a net margin of 11.39% and a return on equity of 23.33%.

Optex Systems Company Profile

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Optex Systems Holdings, Inc manufactures and sells optical sighting systems and assemblies primarily for the U.S. department of defense, foreign military applications, and commercial markets in the United States. It offers periscopes, such as laser and non-laser protected plastic and glass periscopes, electronic M17 day/thermal periscopes, and vision blocks; sighting systems, including back up sights, digital day and night sighting systems, M36 thermal periscope, unity mirrors, optical weapon system support and maintenance, commander weapon station sights, and sight assembly refurbishments; howitzers comprising M137 telescope, M187 mount, M119 aiming device, XM10 and aiming circles; and applied optics center consisting of laser interference filter, optical assemblies, laser filter units, day windows, and specialty thin film coatings, as well as other products, such as muzzle reference systems, binoculars, collimators, optical lenses and elements, and windows.

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